Recipe: “glazier’s herring” with summer veggies at foodie website

Our Head Chef, Jimmi Bengtsson, twisted the classic Scandinavian “glazier’s herring” for the food festival Copenhagen Cooking – and our guests had a new favourite herring. You will find Jimmi’s recipe for “glazier herring” at the foodie website (in Danish) – or below (in English).

”Restaurant Kronborg provides you with 7 recipes from their twisted lunch platter inspired by the Nordic summer. The lunch platter is their contribution to the food festival Copenhagen Cooking, which takes part from 23 August to 1 September,” writes foodie website, publishes choice recipes from our Nordic summer lunch platter, like the “glarmestersild” (direct translation: glazier’s herring) with summer veggies.
Find the recipe at (sorry, in Danish only) or below (in English).
Or book a table and enjoy the classic herring at a cosy lunch.

Recipe for “glazier’s herring” with summer veggies

5 salted herrings, preferably home-made (see below) otherwise the best you can buy
4-5 small red onions
2-3 small carrots
10 slices of rye bread (cut the slices into quarters if you serve the herrings as part of a platter)

1 piece of fresh horseradish, about the size of a thumb
30 white peppercorns
20 allspic
5 tsp mustard seeds
5 bay-leaves

5 dl vinegar
4 ½ dl white sugar

1 small leek

Place the herrings in a bowl with plenty of cold water, cover with cling film and place the bowl i the fridge for about 24 hours.
Rinse away the salt, peel off the skin and part the fillets from the bones.
Cut the herrings into pieces of 2-3 centimetres.
Peel the onions and carrots and slice them thinly.
Peel the horseradish and chop them into small cubes.
Pour the vinegar and the sugar into a pot and put it to the boil.
Turn off the heat and leave the pickle to cool off.
Layer the herrings, onions, carrots, horseradish and spices in a plastic container and pour the pickle into the container.
Cover with cling film and place the container in the fridge for two to three days before serving the herrings.
Butter the rye bread and place the herrings on top.
Cut the leek diagonally and garnish the open sandwiches.

NB If you want to make your own salted herrings, like we do at Restaurant Kronborg, you cut the head and the tail off five herrings, place the herrings in a plastic container and cover them with plenty of salt. Place the herrings in a dark and chilly place, like your fridge, for three months. This ensures you flavourful herrings with plenty of “bite”.

Photo by Chris Tonnesen