Our autumn beef tartare gets its creaminess from the raw egg yolk, its punch from the fresh horseradish and Dijon mustard, the tanginess from the pickled mushrooms and its crunch from the potato crips. All the elements the perfect “smørrebrød” should have…

We always have a traditional beef tatare, which guests season themselves at the table, on our regular menu. However, especially our regulars love it when the kitchen experiments with a seasoned beef tartare to be featured on the specials board.
One of the most popular seasoned tartares is this autumn variety…

Recipe for beef tartare with raw egg yolk, pickled mushrooms and potato crisps


Ten servings

1.5 kg of tender beef
1 dl fresh horseradish, shredded finely
1 dl Dijon mustard
2 tbsp pickled tarragon, chopped finely
1 dl red onion, chopped finely
Salt & pepper

Pickled mushrooms
300 grammes of mushrooms
Pickle from:
1 dl water
1 dl vinegar
1 dl sugar
2 bay leaves

Potato crisps
½ kg potatoes
2-3 tbsp fine salt
2-3 litres of cooking oil

10 raw egg yolks

Fresh herbs, preferably tarragon

10 slices of dark rye bread, buttered

Preparation of the beef
Process the meat in a meat grinder, until all the fat and irregularities are gone. If you do not have a meat grinder this can be done with a super sharp knife.
Stir the minced meat with all the ingredients and season the mince with the salt & pepper.

Pickled mushrooms
Cut the roots of the mushrooms.
Bring the pickle to the boil, cool it and pour it over the mushrooms.
Leave the mushrooms to infuse in the pickle for at least 24 hours in the fridge.

Potato crisps
Rinse the potatoes thoroughly using a coarse sponge, this is sufficient if the potatoes are newly harvested. If not, you have to peel them.
Slice the potatoes thinly.
Heat the oil to 135 degrees Celsius and dip the potatoes in the oil.
Stir the potatoes so they do not stick together.
Place the potatoes on a sheet of baking paper in a baking tray when they have attained a slightly darker colour (this will take 4-5 minutes).
Sprinkle lightly with fine salt to improve the flavour and the crispness.
Leave the potatoes at room temperature, uncovered, till they have cooled off completely and turned crisp.
Store the potato crisps in an airtight box at room temperature (they will keep for about a week).

Make balls of the meat and punch the balls till they have the size and thickness you want. Cut the surface of the tartare with a knife to create a criss-cross-pattern and place the tartare on a plate on top of the buttered bread.
Garnish each serving with a raw egg yolk, 2-3 tablespoons of pickled mushrooms (drained of the liquid) as many potato crisps as you can have between two fingers and your choice of fresh herbs.


The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration writes on its website: “The risk of getting infected by salmonella from store-bought Danish eggs is very small. You will hardly find any salmonella in Danish eggs.” (updated on 2 August 2017). If you want to be 100 % sure that you avoid the risk of contamination, you need to use pasteurized eggs. However, they don’t taste as well…
Furthermore it is necessary to maintain a very high kitchen hygiene and use super fresh meat, when serving beef tartare.

If you want your beef tartare to pack more of a punch, add more fresh horseradish and Dijon mustard.


We recommend a flavourful King’s County Brown or New York Lager from Nørrebro Bryghus and a classic Kronborg Akvavit with the beef tartare.